Librarian says "I'll get it for you, its Outback"
I kind of wish I'd been less gun-ho in my early approach and just went about following the instructions from the start. It would be nice to be able to look back on my 19Things blog and see a nice linear structure to completing the tasks. I am quite pleased with the look and layout of my blog though, will I be able to keep it going after all this is done?.... probably not, I mean what would I blog about?
I for one have probably most enjoyed creating the Protopage and using RSS feeds, fun to do and useful too! You can see there's a real possibility with these tools and I think we should ALWAYS be looking to find new ways to deliver information to people the way they want information to be delivered. Some still prefer the good old fashioned method yes, and these people should not be forgotten. But as time goes by more and more clinical staff will want to be able to obtain evidence and literature remotely, and we've got to be able to keep up with them.
Love the reflective image!