Monday, 14 October 2013

"Oohh 'ark at 'im and 'is Protopage!"

I gave this a go and must say quite enjoyed it. I think I got slightly carried way as when I re-read the instructions after playing about with the page for a while, I noticed it said to ignore the RSS feeds as that would be covered in the next task.... oops!
Anyways, not to blow ones trumpet but I've been using RSS feeds for a while now and wanted to include them in my protopage.
The theme of the page is basic and probably rather dull to viewers. I've got a tab on Salisbury Hospital news which I've added a RSS feed from my page. I've also added the main hospital and hospital charity web page, plus a picture of the hospital entrance for no other reason then there was a option to. I also created a 'About Salisbury and Wiltshire' tab just so I could justify using the map, weather and picture tools. Oh what fun I've had!
I'm quite pleased with how it looks, would look to use it more and see if we can implement more usefully.

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