Tuesday 26 November 2013

Wowsers! I mean Browsers, I nearly forgot Thing 6

In the immortal words of Homer - "D'ho!"
This weeks pause in all 'things' (see what I did there!) social media gave me a chance to go through the 19things programme with a hint of smug satisfaction such was my confidence that I'd completed all tasks set before me. But wait, what's this I see on week 4; Thing 6 - Browers: Internet explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox ... oh shoot! That'll teach me for getting all cocky won't it.
I suppose my blog was getting a tad too orderly. So, from my last post which reflected on the experiences with Thing 17 we now jump to how I got on with Thing 6, so here we go.
At work we use an antique version of Internet Explorer (IE 7) within the trusts secure network. We also have access to Firefox outside the network on which we use the library catalogue system. It's recently dawned on my colleagues and I that a lot of the websites in the 19things programme actually work better, both aesthetically and functionally, on Firefox as this is a newer browser. As a result we now regularly use sites like 'Protopage' and 'Scoop.it'* in Firefox.
If I'm honest from my experiences at home I don't mind either Internet Explorer (newest version obviously!) or Mozilla Firefox. If I had to pick I'd probably choose Firefox simply for cosmetic reasons, especially when using tabs. I do however prefer Explorer's favourites tool compared to Firefox's bookmarks system. I've had a little play with Safari in the past but as I'm not a fan of anything apple my opinion would probably be somewhat biased.

Stick a fork in Thing 6 because it is DONE!! That should be me all caught up but I'm certainly not going to get cocky about it... again!

* = I'm aware 'Scoop.it' isn't one of the 19Things but I use it everyday and it's a good example of social media websites not working properly within outdated internet browsers.

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