Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Say it with a Wordle: Thing 1

Library Wordle
Library Tagxedo - Footprint

My hopes of a nice linear storyline for my 19Things experience were dashed before it had even began. So reading my blog will be like watching the Christopher Nolan film 'Memento' where the story is told completely out of sequence. That story telling method was a way for the audience to experience some of the confusion and frustrations of the protagonist who has extreme short-term memory. The reasons for my jumbled blog is because I was so desperate to catch-up with everyone I forgot to put my trainers on. But now we've all paused for a reflective breather I can now take the time to dress properly... is this metaphor still working?

On your right you'll see my quickly put together Wordle using text from the Salisbury Healthcare Library website. This is relatively similar to one that I've created before (probably due to using the same text!) and I really do like the way they look.
Also on your right is another word cloud creation using 'Tagxedo'. What's really cool about this site is the many visually impressive shapes you can create with your body of text. Here I've used the same text as my Wordle cloud to create a footprint, brilliant! There's also a lot more colour themes and fonts to choose from, very impressed.

So that folks is task 1 officially completed.

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